by Dawn Cleary | Oct 28, 2023 | Change
The powerful Taurean moon is making its exciting entrance in conjunction with a partial lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023. This period promises significant changes and transformation, offering a chance to reflect and find closure for what we’ve been longing for....
by Dawn Cleary | Apr 19, 2017 | Change
Neatly 20 years ago I was travelling around the Far East and had what I felt was a devastating loss. The item I lost was materialistic to me and had an abundance of love surrounding it and I must admit I felt what I suppose was materialistic shock if there is such...
by Dawn Cleary | Mar 2, 2017 | Psychic Bonds
After many years of working with many varied clients in all kinds of situations I have recently been approached to work with animals, it seems quite bizarre really that I have not followed through on this before with my intuitiveness but it could be to do with the...
by Dawn Cleary | Dec 8, 2016 | Change, Resolutions, Self-confidence
Well it’ s been a great run but I finally have a new website, which simply means clarity, clearness and excitement! So from now on, all of my blog articles, photos, insights, ideas and life movement in general will be found here. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU. REALLY? WHO...